The Bookish Side of Valentine’s

Full disclaimer: I don’t get Valentine’s Day. I don’t see the reason for a day devoted to expressing your love for someone/some people, when you should be doing that every day.

Yet I have a tradition with my family where we have a Valentine’s dinner every year, and even when I’m at college we find a way to make it work. I love sitting down at a fancy meal with my parents and sister, with candles and candy as our centerpiece, and switching up our daily dinners. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about romantic love; it can by family and friend love too.

To support expressing that kind of love, I’ve complied a list of books I feel do a good job of celebrating family and friend bonds. Good Valentine’s reads that explore friendship and family, and leave you feeling good!

A Bookish Valentine's | Different kinds of books to read on Valentine's Day

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In Review: January 2015

January gave 2015 a great start. I had a wonderful internship, got an extra month at home, and managed to catch up on sleep and regain my sanity before heading back to school.

This year, I want to focus more on what I loved about each month. So I thought a quick post after each month would be a fun way to look back and remember the good things 2015 brings, one month at a time.

Let’s begin!

Favorite Book

What I Read: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore | Scribbling in the Margins blog

Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan

Favorite Post

Since I only wrote three, this is fairly easy. I’ll have to go with my review of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore; I really liked that book and loved how the review turned out.

Favorite Photos

In Review: January 2015 | Scribbling in the Margins blog

Winter Term internship at Indianapolis Monthly

In Review: January 2015 | Scribbling in the Margins blog

Awesome coffee shop, Coal Yard Coffee, I visited for Indianapolis Monthly

In Review: January 2015 | Scribbling in the Margins blog

Breakfast for dinner at a truck stop with a friend

In Review: January 2015 | Scribbling in the Margins blog

DG Bid Day 2015! Welcome Abroad to my friend Olivia. I’m so glad she’s anchored here (enough puns yet? :))

What are your January highlights?
