The Blog

Scribbling in the Margins: a book blog, with style.

After suffering through a the Great Novella Disaster of 2014 (or a really tough writing course at my college), I knew I needed an outlet for my writing. A place I could write what I wanted, when I wanted, however I wanted.


Scribbling in the Margins blog

I write a little bit of everything here. Mostly, you will find posts about reading, books, and book reviews. But remember, this started so I could write whatever I wanted. I also post about college, traveling, and any other random topic that suits my fancy.

I strive to post once a week on Thursday. But I’m a college student, so I also post when I can.

The goal of Scribbling in the Margins is to be a blog without a category: a place where I can empty my head, practice my writing, learn photography, and hopefully entertain some people along the way!

Soooo what do you think?