Top Five Christmas Movies | FIFTH Day of Blogmas!

On the fifth day of Blogmas, Leeann’s blog gave to me… FIVEEEE FESTIVE MOVIES

For the fifth day of Blogmas, I thought I’d go big. No, no golden rings here; just the five Christmas movies I have to see every holiday season. Films that fill me with that “holiday glow” finals insisted on dulling down the past week or so.

(Side note: finals are over and I couldn’t feel more relieved. I celebrated with a three-hour nap this afternoon.

It was delightful.)

But now, for the main event: my top five Christmas movies!

Top Five Christmas Movies | Scribbling in the Margins blog

  1. Miracle on 34th Street. I’ve loved this movie since I was a kid. My grandma had a VHS copy I would watch no matter when I was at her house. Whether the air was filled with humidity or snow, I sat in front of the screen in love with Santa Claus working at Macy’s. “Christmas isn’t just a day…it’s a frame of mind.” Genius.
  2. The Polar Express. The book always meant a lot to my sister and me as kids. We had our own bells that would hang on the tree every year. The movie means just as much, and I love the soundtrack. The Polar Express is that movie, the one that makes me smile and tear up every time. I love it.
  3. Eloise at Christmastime. I loved the original Eloise books and movie, and the Christmas one is just as cute! Eloise is such a fun character to watch, and the love story certainly doesn’t hurt anything.
  4. The Santa Clause. Maybe now is a good time to point out that I really like children’s movies… especially at Christmas! I’m actually watching this right now (thanks ABC Family!) and it’s just so cute. I love Charlie. However, I’ve never understood why it’s so bad at the beginning that Charlie wholeheartedly believes in Santa. He’s 6! Let the kid believe!
  5. Elf. Cliché, I know, but it’s Elf! Cute, funny, heartwarming–what’s not to love?

What are your favorite Christmas movies?

nameOn the fifth day of Blogmas, Leeann’s blog gave to me:

FIVEEEE FESTIVE MOVIES! Memories filled with snow, one blog tag, the best study tipsand 10 Christmas songs to sing!

13 thoughts on “Top Five Christmas Movies | FIFTH Day of Blogmas!

  1. Pingback: Merry Christmas! | The TWELFTH Day of Blogmas | Scribbling in the Margins

  2. Pingback: ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas | The ELEVENTH Day of Blogmas! | Scribbling in the Margins

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  6. Pingback: A Christmas Tag of Sorts | The SEVENTH Day of Blogmas! | Scribbling in the Margins

  7. Pingback: Christmas Books | The SIXTH Day of Blogmas! | Scribbling in the Margins

  8. I did exactly the same thing as you did with Miracle on 34th Street with White Christmas! I would watch it whenever I went to my grandma’s house. I also love watching The Year Without a Santa Claus.
    Yay you’re done!


  9. Here are my top five (in no particular order): Christmas Vacation, Scrooged, It’s a Wonderful Life, Love Actually, and Santa Claus Is Coming to Town. Honorable mention (meaning I also watch them every year) goes to: Christmas with the Kranks, Family Man, Home Alone, White Christmas. The Holiday, Jingle All the Way (set in Minneapolis!!), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (original, animated), and A Charlie Brown Christmas. We travel at the holidays with a DVD case full of Christmas movies! Love them!


    • Santa Claus is Coming to Town is my favorite animated Christmas movie :) Plus Charlie Brown is always a classic. The Holiday is also a good one, I just watched that with my friends last weekend!


Soooo what do you think?